Releases tagged ululation
Ennio Morricone - Red Sonja (Original Soundtrack)
cosmic horrorhowardHyperboreaSoundtrackululationClassicalStage & ScreenScore
Rudimentary Peni - Cacophony
cthulhuDream CyclegibberinghardcoreLovecraftpunkThe Dreams in the Witch HouseThe Evil ClergymanThe Horrors in the MuseumThe Music of Erich ZannThe TombululationRockPunk
Ennio Morricone - Red Sonja (Original Soundtrack)
SoundtrackHyperboreaStage & ScreenClassicalhowardScorecosmic horrorululation
Rudimentary Peni - Cacophony
The Music of Erich ZannpunkThe Evil ClergymanDream CycleThe Dreams in the Witch HousecthulhuPunkgibberingRockhardcoreThe Horrors in the MuseumThe TombululationLovecraft